Where things are at

Hey! It's been a while, huh? I think it's time for a much needed update on where things are at.

So where have I been?

Just like our protagonist, I have begun college! Being a college student has eaten up a lot- if not all- of my time. Unfortunately, this means I haven't been able to get much work done on Absolute Adoration. I'm sorry that I have not been able to keep up with your comments as much as I would like. Reading over them makes me very happy and I'm so glad that you like the demo! I currently have no intention of abandoning this project, so I hope you can continue being so supportive. And that brings us to the next question:

What's the next step for Absolute Adoration?

When I first started making this game, I had no experience whatsoever. None. Zip. Since then, I've learned more about Ren'Py. Looking back at the demo, there are a lot of things I want to change/adjust which would require a lot of cleanup and redoing of work. That said, I've decided that it would be better to start from scratch (while still keeping some code from the demo). I think this will make the process go faster and save me from a headache. I also plan on going over the script to make the story flow more naturally. Since the demo, my art style has changed, which has made me consider remaking some art assets as well.

When will it be updated?

Unfortunately, I don't have a range of when I will be able to update the game. I want to put a lot into Absolute Adoration and unfortunately that means it's going to take a lot of time. Though my school year is currently over, summer still comes with responsibilities for me. On top of that, I also want to make sure that I prioritize my health and prevent myself from getting burnt out (especially since I am a solo-developer).  I'm unsure how much time I will have available to work on the game. Because of all this, I cannot reasonably say that an update will come soon.

What now?

Having said all this, I DO have one small surprise for you. During my finals, I had an opportunity to create a visual novel for my assignment! While it isn't the Rai we know and love, I think it showcases my improvement with using Ren'Py and the quality I hope to bring over to Absolute Adoration. It's a short 5-10 minute story following a naive adventurer. It's a different story genre than Absolute Adoration and not nearly as complex (only one ending), but I enjoyed making it. I would love it if you checked it out (can be found through this link or on my Itch page)! Rai will only be a little jealous. I swear.

I would like to thank you for your patience and all of the kind comments you have left under the game. It really makes my day when I get to read them. I hope that everyone is doing well, and I'll see you next time!

Get Absolute Adoration


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You don't have anything to worry about because I truly understand how college eats up your life. I'm about to start my 3rd year in college and let me say-- I truly didn't expect how hectic and fast paced it was. So I understand the hiatus you have since your studies are also as important.

But it's great to see an update on what's currently happening with the demo! I'm excited to try out your new visual novel (hopefully I'm not too busy as well...)

Take care of yourself in college! Remember to take breaks and not to get consumed by how everything works, good luck and I'm excited to hear what comes next for the game and your endeavors~!